Category: News
Workshop in Průhonice
Between 10 and 12 February we met in Průhonice, just next to Prague 🙂 Knights hall in a beautiful castle was so inspiring, that we are leaving with ideas for 14 studies. Let’s see how many will come to a successful ending.
Meeting in Budějovice
Project team had another productive meeting in České Budějovice in November. We worked on ongoing papers, plans for the upcoming workshop and public communication activities.
Tree paper
A new publication stemming from our project has been published in the high-profile journal Trends in Ecology and the Environment, titled “Culturomics and iEcology provide novel opportunities to study human and social dimensions of alien species introductions” ( To prevent future invasions, it is essential to understand the multiple factors that determine which alien species…
Bologna, Italy – a congress, a symposium and a workshop
In June 2024, we have attended the 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB 2024), held in Bologna, Italy ( Within the Congress, we organized a symposium titled “The use of online digital data to advance invasion science”, aimed to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on approaches for harnessing large digital…
Workshop in Paris
Between 13 and 16th November we met in Paris 🙂 It was a big crowd of enthusiastic and inspiring people